September 7, 2017
I would like to introduce you all to my lovely family! In case you don’t already know us!!!! :) Hi, I’m Chelsi Hector of C Starr Photography. I have been married to this guy for 7.5 years. In that time we have moved 4 times and added two littles to the bunch! Currently we have a middle schooler ahhhhhhhh, 1st grader, and a preschooler! Will talk more about them below!
This is the baby Marlo Grey! She is definitely the BOSS in the house! I DO NOT KNOW HOW THAT HAPPENED! She makes us smile so much! So so many fun faces and different attitudes! She is our climber and gymnast.
The man behind the fam! He loves me more than I deserve! I never understood that kind of love was possible! He makes me laugh, he makes me yell, he makes me happy and he makes me mad! He is the glue that holds the #hectorclan together! We love him berry berry much! Dash Abram is our sensitive 6 year old! HOW is he that old already? There is a special connection between a mom and her baby boy that I cannot put into words. On another note he is obsessed with farts, poop words, and poking me in the bum calling me “mooshy butt!” I could still eat his face off though! BOYS!!!! Our sweet sweet Stella Noelle! She is wise beyond her years and has a HEART OF GOLD! This child loves to make people smile. She is always doing something to make someone else’s day better. She looks way too grown up for 11 and I cannot even take it! (stop growing Stella noelle, Stella Noelle, Stella, Stella, Stella, Stella, Stella Noelle!) I am so excited to see where she goes! I know whatever she does she will rock it!
This is my adorable nephew Greighten! He brings so much joy to our lives and constantly gives us all memories of my baby brother Chad as a child! #spittingimage
My favorite ladies! My gorgeous sister-in-law and my momma cat!
The little big brother! Its so fun to watch him as a father! He kind of rocks at it!
Daddy Cat! Backstory: When my parents first pug Pugsley was alive my mom would come home singing, talking to him, and referring to the both of them as Momma Cat and Daddy Cat! I guess it stuck!
This guy is the reason I am so awesome! I may not have his genetics but BOY did I grow up a lot like him! I’ve got my moms smile and my dads OCD ;)